To..... You, my future love!
Hello love ☺, just wanted to see how you were doing today, (just as always 😊). And to write just a little letter since I know it's been a while... (Sorry about that).
Ummm, so here goes, I was asked to write a poem by a friend a few days ago concerning you and for the first time in a long while ya boi got stumped for a sec lol. Before you jump on me it's not like that love... It wasn't that I couldn't think of something lovely to say to you, it was just that I really wanted it to be something from my heart... Something true, real! And after running lines and quotes through my head... Nothing really seemed right, so I chose to write you this instead... A letter, like we used to do ☺. Although this may be a little weird I ask that you would bear with me for a moment 😊 trying to get everything inside... Out lol.
If it's okay with you, I'll begin with my fears; and answers to the questions I've been asked down through the years. I want to say thank you! For waiting... Thank you, for being... You! For being sweet, kind, soft-spoken, loving, for pressing through all the bad days, only to find Grace in the sunshine.. thank you also, for not giving up on me... For sticking by my side, even when the darkness sought to overthrow me... Thank you for being my hope, my drive to be better, my reason to continue shining, even when I thought it wasn't worth it. I hid myself and shut myself off from love all those years because I was tired of the games, the lies, and deceit. I was also concerned that this relationship would never come... Because of my work schedule and the stress that came with it... And on that note, thank you love, for being my peaceful escape... Never think for a second that I would ever leave you, because when the days became long and hectic, my thoughts of you made everything seem worth while, and it was in those few moments that I realized that I had finally found Grace.. and I had finally understood the beauty of Solomon's Song...
I think it's funny, I'm writing and thinking of you on tonight... And I do not know your name as of yet... But the thought of you keeps me going... It keeps me looking optimistically towards the future... Because I know the day we meet, the chapter of my beautiful happily ever after will begin writing itself, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page... And for that I'm happy. It will be as my mother told me, life will be sweet, because for the first time in my life... Nothing will have to be forced or demanded, our love, respect, and devotion to each will just be things that flow freely. And I will finally know what it's like to live a life that's better than my dreams. 💗💙💗
Sincerely yours,
~Dashi Y.
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