Saturday, February 4, 2017

Please wait for me

My love forgive me, for I am not one that likes to be seen...
I was raised by my mother, to always be a king,
To honor my bride, and praise her as my queen
A whore, a bitch, a trick; I will never call you;
Because that's not me, I'm a breed brand new..

I will raise my son, to be greater than me.
I will look after our daughter, even after her prince is down on one knee.
Our kids will live well, able to stand on their own.
They will have the best of both worlds; friends, and peace at home.

They will know how to live Godly,
Honoring and respecting all men.
A life free from scandal, a life of limited sins.

He will make a great prince, and she a fine bride:
they will hold their heads up high, always walking with pride.
Leading them in life will come so easily;
because their greatest role models will be you and me...

My love I am sorry, that we havent met as of yet
but I know that you are out there, so please baby girl, don't fret
when our eyes meet, I will see my future in your eyes,
Upon our first kiss, you will see a pure love in mine.

So here's to us... Here's to a lifetime of happy moments, beautiful memories, and a love story that will echo through the ages... I love you!! And nothing is going to change that....

A love letter

Hello baby girl,
       I've been meaning to tell you everything im about say earlier but I just had to get my words to flow freely, hehe, I hope I can do this without typing a poem. :) I just want to say that I really love you, I have for a while... And it took me a few months to realize my heart wanted no one else... Which was weird because usually I can just tell it all of the reasons it wouldn't work out but for some reason he never let go of you 🙂. With every passing night I would always see your smile before I fell off to sleep and I would always wish you the best in life.... It seems ironic that the more I prayed that you would find someone who would treat you no less than a queen that my heart always fell more deeply for you; fighting back like "Idiot, no one will treat her better than you will!" Hehe, I guess I will not fight him anymore so I'm just gonna go with it and let you know that I'll always be here... And with each day... I'll be at your side... I'll be your strength when you're weak, your comfort when the sorrows compass you about... 💗 Ummm I hope this doesn't seem so cliche but I really like you and I'm so excited that you have accepted me as yours... I'll do my best to make sure you never regret that decision 😊. Oh yeah... I hope you are ok with surprises... Cause.... Well you'll find out soon...
                        Love you Baby

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

💜 Wedding vows! 💜

To my love, my life
My "baby girl", my wife...
To the one who has now become
Tadashi's only bride
To the one who I promised
I would never leave her side

It has been a few years
But the time has finally come
Oh how my heart has waited
For our hearts to finally beat as one

I promise to love you, yes to the moon and back :)
I promise to be your protector
From all of life's evil attacks

I promise to be your friend,
When you just want to chill and relax
But I will also love you dearly
When your desires are soon to climax

I will be as the tree, that gives you shade from the sun's heat
I will be as the bee's honey
Your own sweet little treat

I will be your strength, when you're to tired to carry on
I will be your brightest star, to give you hope until the morning dawn...

I promise to be true from now until my dying days
I promise to only love you, until God calls me away.

I love you, I always have... And I always will 💓