My love forgive me, for I am not one that likes to be seen...
I was raised by my mother, to always be a king,
To honor my bride, and praise her as my queen
A whore, a bitch, a trick; I will never call you;
Because that's not me, I'm a breed brand new..
I will raise my son, to be greater than me.
I will look after our daughter, even after her prince is down on one knee.
Our kids will live well, able to stand on their own.
They will have the best of both worlds; friends, and peace at home.
They will know how to live Godly,
Honoring and respecting all men.
A life free from scandal, a life of limited sins.
He will make a great prince, and she a fine bride:
they will hold their heads up high, always walking with pride.
Leading them in life will come so easily;
because their greatest role models will be you and me...
My love I am sorry, that we havent met as of yet
but I know that you are out there, so please baby girl, don't fret
when our eyes meet, I will see my future in your eyes,
Upon our first kiss, you will see a pure love in mine.
So here's to us... Here's to a lifetime of happy moments, beautiful memories, and a love story that will echo through the ages... I love you!! And nothing is going to change that....
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