Monday, October 30, 2017

The poem of my Heart!

All eyes on me,
Yet my heart only yearns for you
Every one's asking,
Dashi when will love find you?

Four years, I think it has been
Since my first thought of you.
1,460 days,
A dream has finally come true.

For it was a night like no other,
We talked blissfully under a starlit sky
And although the conversation was simple
I was scared to say good night!

I kept replying to you as it was all I could do
"Sweet dreams!"...  "Sleep tight!"
My prayers never more serious
As I asked Him to protect you that night!

I asked for a text,
to let me know you arrived home safely.
But the feelings that followed next
We're something altogether unexpected.

"I'm home buddy! About to hit the bed."
Was the text that I saw.
And my heart skipped a beat
As it was happily read.

It was almost instantaneous
I knew it would be you!
I wrote down every little detail
Everything I knew was true

You have a heart of gold,
An attitude to match it too,
A very sweet spirit,
A quiet disposition too!

And so time has passed, since those very first few days
And my heart has only grown more fond of you...
Yep, and in more than a million ways!

I would like to take this time,
"May I ask you out for a date?"
I would like to make you mine!
Before the time is too late!

I wish for a beautiful future
I work for a better tomorrow
I will love for a lifetime
For you I'll add no sorrow

For my plans are already set!
They're in a folder tucked away at home
Because I knew I wanted everything right
For the bride, the wife, I'll soon show to mom.

My heart is hoping now, that you'll surely say "Yes"
For I have waited for what seems to be a lifetime,
To get this off my chest

I love you, I do 💜
I've loved you from the start
It's been a pleasure being your friend
I mean that from my heart

So tonight with my final lines
I'll tell you my one last dream
That until the end of time
People will know you as my queen!

With all of my heart, with all of my love!
I sign off as ~Dashi 💗💙💗

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Love Letter.... Part II

To..... You, my future love!

        Hello love ☺, just wanted to see how you were doing today, (just as always 😊). And to write just a little letter since I know it's been a while... (Sorry about that).
       Ummm, so here goes, I was asked to write a poem by a friend a few days ago concerning you and for the first time in a long while ya boi got stumped for a sec lol. Before you jump on me it's not like that love... It wasn't that I couldn't think of something lovely to say to you, it was just that I really wanted it to be something from my heart... Something true, real! And after running lines and quotes through my head... Nothing really seemed right, so I chose to write you this instead... A letter, like we used to do ☺. Although this may be a little weird I ask that you would bear with me for a moment 😊 trying to get everything inside... Out lol.
     If it's okay with you, I'll begin with my fears; and answers to the questions I've been asked down through the years. I want to say thank you! For waiting... Thank you, for being... You! For being sweet, kind, soft-spoken, loving, for pressing through all the bad days, only to find Grace in the sunshine.. thank you also, for not giving up on me... For sticking by my side, even when the darkness sought to overthrow me... Thank you for being my hope, my drive to be better, my reason to continue shining, even when I thought it wasn't worth it. I hid myself and shut myself off from love all those years because I was tired of the games, the lies, and deceit. I was also concerned that this relationship would never come... Because of my work schedule and the stress that came with it... And on that note, thank you love, for being my peaceful escape... Never think for a second that I would ever leave you, because when the days became long and hectic, my thoughts of you made everything seem worth while, and it was in those few moments that I realized that I had finally found Grace.. and I had finally understood the beauty of Solomon's Song...
     I think it's funny, I'm writing and thinking of you on tonight... And I do not know your name as of yet... But the thought of you keeps me going... It keeps me looking optimistically towards the future... Because I know the day we meet, the chapter of my beautiful happily ever after will begin writing itself, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page... And for that I'm happy. It will be as my mother told me, life will be sweet, because for the first time in my life... Nothing will have to be forced or demanded, our love, respect, and devotion to each will just be things that flow freely. And I will finally know what it's like to live a life that's better than my dreams. 💗💙💗

Sincerely yours,
          ~Dashi Y.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Never Worry

(Thinking of my Future Love)

My love,
You once asked, if I was really happy with you?
If I was playing,  when I said  you had really made all of my dreams come true...
You asked of my future plans,  where would I be in a few years,
Hoping that I wouldn't turn out like the rest,  just a playboy,  that left you in tears...

A couple days ago, I introduced you to one of my old friends
A look of surprise overcame you as I told you she was my ex
And then it all hit me,  everything had finally began to make sense...

I realised that although life was unfair to me,  it must've really hated you...
You were kind,  soft-spoken,  doing the best you could do,
To make it in life,  to make sure your dreams came true.
Yet it seemed like no one cared,  no one looked out for you,
No one came to your aid,  when the winds of life's storms violently blew

So you went back into hiding,
fearing that no one would ever fall in love with someone "as plain as you".
But love that's where you're wrong,  so far from the truth,
For I have searched high and low,  for a queen, that shines as brightly as you do.

A woman that honors herself,  and her family too.
A lady who, in spite of the negative influences around her, has kept her virtue

My friend,  in you I have always been able to confide
I count each day a blessing,  that you are here, living life freely at my side...

Baby, will you just promise me something
It's nothing bad I swear :)
"Promise me you'll never worry, that you'll never be one to fret"
Because I'm not going anywhere,I won't be another, who'll leave you with regrets.

Because, to be honest, I've always seen you as mine, I just never told you so
Even from our first encounter, I knew it to be so
I just needed you to see yourself just as I do... 
A delicate flower, a precious jewel

And this is to you, may you always see yourself as a dear queen
May you always be happy, living comfortably with your king

Dashi! 😉

Thursday, September 14, 2017

3 Little Words

To the one who has never left my side
To the one who will soon be my lovely bride,
To the young woman who has always had her head held high
To the young queen, who has kept her eyes to the skies

It's been a while now I know,
We've been on both sides of the spectrum, living the high life and struggling with the low

But I noticed something the other day while taking a drive...
Although I am grateful for everything I have in life,
Its only you that makes me glad I'm alive...

And with these three words I wish to tell you everything you've ever wanted to hear
I wish you let you know that I'll always be there to wipe every tear..

Baby girl, "I love you", and I will love you every day from the bottom of my heart...
And I'll protect yours with my every breath, because my only prayer is that we will never part 🙂

Stay sweet love, and please, whatever you do, don't ever change! 😉💓

~Tadashi Yasahiro

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hope I see in you!

Society has it backwards,
I've silently noticed it for a while now..
They push you towards makeup and alterations
Seeking to hide your beauty behind a face fit for a clown

They push for perfection in life
Yet hid the fact that it never will be
They told you to silently blend in with the crowd
Yet neglected to tell you that you had a purpose and a voice that was meant to roar aloud

"Do this, do that" and the people of the opposite sex with want to be with you....
Yet they hoped with all their hearts that you would never see everything that made you uniquely "you"

You're beautiful, you're special, you're needed, and you're so very loved
You're also my friend, the helping hand that reached out, when my burden was more than enough

So hold your head up high, for I have always seen greatness in you....
But I must say thank you, for you have helped me to see it in myself too

~Tadashi Y.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Please wait for me

My love forgive me, for I am not one that likes to be seen...
I was raised by my mother, to always be a king,
To honor my bride, and praise her as my queen
A whore, a bitch, a trick; I will never call you;
Because that's not me, I'm a breed brand new..

I will raise my son, to be greater than me.
I will look after our daughter, even after her prince is down on one knee.
Our kids will live well, able to stand on their own.
They will have the best of both worlds; friends, and peace at home.

They will know how to live Godly,
Honoring and respecting all men.
A life free from scandal, a life of limited sins.

He will make a great prince, and she a fine bride:
they will hold their heads up high, always walking with pride.
Leading them in life will come so easily;
because their greatest role models will be you and me...

My love I am sorry, that we havent met as of yet
but I know that you are out there, so please baby girl, don't fret
when our eyes meet, I will see my future in your eyes,
Upon our first kiss, you will see a pure love in mine.

So here's to us... Here's to a lifetime of happy moments, beautiful memories, and a love story that will echo through the ages... I love you!! And nothing is going to change that....

A love letter

Hello baby girl,
       I've been meaning to tell you everything im about say earlier but I just had to get my words to flow freely, hehe, I hope I can do this without typing a poem. :) I just want to say that I really love you, I have for a while... And it took me a few months to realize my heart wanted no one else... Which was weird because usually I can just tell it all of the reasons it wouldn't work out but for some reason he never let go of you 🙂. With every passing night I would always see your smile before I fell off to sleep and I would always wish you the best in life.... It seems ironic that the more I prayed that you would find someone who would treat you no less than a queen that my heart always fell more deeply for you; fighting back like "Idiot, no one will treat her better than you will!" Hehe, I guess I will not fight him anymore so I'm just gonna go with it and let you know that I'll always be here... And with each day... I'll be at your side... I'll be your strength when you're weak, your comfort when the sorrows compass you about... 💗 Ummm I hope this doesn't seem so cliche but I really like you and I'm so excited that you have accepted me as yours... I'll do my best to make sure you never regret that decision 😊. Oh yeah... I hope you are ok with surprises... Cause.... Well you'll find out soon...
                        Love you Baby

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

💜 Wedding vows! 💜

To my love, my life
My "baby girl", my wife...
To the one who has now become
Tadashi's only bride
To the one who I promised
I would never leave her side

It has been a few years
But the time has finally come
Oh how my heart has waited
For our hearts to finally beat as one

I promise to love you, yes to the moon and back :)
I promise to be your protector
From all of life's evil attacks

I promise to be your friend,
When you just want to chill and relax
But I will also love you dearly
When your desires are soon to climax

I will be as the tree, that gives you shade from the sun's heat
I will be as the bee's honey
Your own sweet little treat

I will be your strength, when you're to tired to carry on
I will be your brightest star, to give you hope until the morning dawn...

I promise to be true from now until my dying days
I promise to only love you, until God calls me away.

I love you, I always have... And I always will 💓