Sunday, March 31, 2024

Haiku (The Sun)

Faithfully it shines.

And though dark clouds screen it’s light

You know it’s “day”.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Happy Birthday 🌻

Happy Birthday 🌻
"Maybe she'd enjoy a poem"
I thought to myself the other day
“Yeah I could do that,
And take the time to tell her all the things I wish to say.”

I would to start by saying happy birthday!
May you gleefully enjoy your day! 🙏🏾

I pray that life only gets better for you….
As the “camels loaded with blessings” still march toward your way!

It wasn’t just your beautiful smile,
(Though that mental picture is a memory still treasured inside)
It wasn’t just your sweet personality
That filled my heart with pride

It may have been your love for God
(Yes, they informed me of all the kingdom work you do..
For my pastors had only good things to tell me,
when I inquired of them concerning you)

I admired you for your boldness,
taking initiative even though you were really nervous,
The will to get to know me,
led to mini conversations after service…

It wasn’t long before I saw the real “you”
(the child you were from the beginning)
I understood all of your fears and dreams
And yet I saw us, together in life… winning!!!

I saw the vision before me,
the ring, proposal, and wedding
With God as the 3rd cord (in our marriage)
We took that step, no longer fretting

I saw our home filled with love and laughter,
"SJ" running around with Evelyn
And you with your hand on your hip praying
“God, why did those kids only take after their father?!”

I want all of this with you…
better yet I will share it with no one else!
My decision will still be the same,
even when life tries to get complex.

I thought of what I would get you for your birthday,
a poem seemed like a good start
So forgive me if this was a little too deep,
I just wanted it to be from the heart

The next time I see my little love,
I will have a gift for you in hand,
But for now will you please accept this note
As my little way to say happy birthday

To my friend, my queen, my little sunflower,
(May you never forget who you are)
May this day bring you joy and peace,
May God keep you wrapped in His arms

I love you and I’m praying for you,
(may you never forget that!)
Remember, my family already loves you,
I know because I can hear it in our little chats

So with every gift on today and every blessing that's in store
May you know when you remember me
That you are appreciated, honored, and adored!!!

Happy birthday Taneyah! Love you boo!!

Thursday, September 28, 2023


 Oftentimes we are reminded;

“Breakfast! It’s the most important meal of the day”

And yet so many of us still neglect it, thinking it’ll help keep the pounds away.

It doesn’t always have something hefty 

Like the plate full of “bacon, eggs, and grits”

No, it may just be a bowl of cereal, 

Or a bar of granola, just something to help you maintain your wits

You can easily refuel at lunch,

by keeping it simple with a BLT.

Or you can go all out, 

I’m talking fried chicken with the Mac and cheese.

“I think I’ll have hibachi, fried rice with that yum-yum sauce!

Or maybe the six ounce steak from Roadhouse…” 

Yeah dinner brings it all home, and you know it doesn’t matter the cost! 

Because today was a bit hectic and Tina got on your nerves,

But all that went away, with the indulgence of your favorite dessert!

“You’re not you when you’re hungry!”

Man, that quote is so true

If you don’t think so, wait until you’re frustrated and go grab a quick bite 

You’ll think and feel better 

You’ll again feel like you!

So if you’re unmotivated, angry, or even  just downright blue

Go grab that snickers, or the cooled strawberry dipped in fondue 

I’m telling you, it can be watermelon, chocolate, something simple like that 

Or it can be a full fledged meal, followed by  a bunch of snacks…

Whatever the mood, 

I guarantee it gets better with food.

Requested by and created for my friend. Love ya buddy!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Keep Pressing

 Life is not always perfect, nor is it always fair.

So many times in our pursuit of hope, do we find ourselves lost in despair.

In a quest to find true love, we are soon derailed by heartache.

Too many times we question ourselves, 

"Where did I go wrong, what was my mistake?"

We forget that those times are needed to build us and make us grow!

They are there to help make us perfect, though the process may be slow.

The trials test our faith, frustrations test our character.

In the periods that test our patience, let us continue daring ourselves to be better.

We never know who's watching, inspired by our determination

We may be the only "Bibles" some read, in their search for salvation.

So I never want you to give up, yes keep pushing through

Because the answer to someone's prayers, may be found in you! 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Haiku (More than a good luck charm!)

 A woman of God

Through and through, meeting her was


(Written 12/10/22) 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Haiku (The Queen)

 She’s virtuous, pure.

Strong, but oh so delicate;

Never cause her harm. 

Picture is an art piece by “ArtofMervin” 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Shift

 "It is better to have loved and have lost, then to have not loved at all"
These words are painfully true
I sit and ponder upon them well
As I reflect upon all that love has put me through.

I think of my first love, how much I wanted to be with her so.
I had life all figured out, I would have never let her go.
I remember my friend and little buddy; all the hope I saw in her.
For years I loved her secretly, only to see hope disappointingly deferred.

I briefly remember another, and how she left when I needed her the most
Yet somehow I made it through that dark struggle, Oh, because God held me close.
I could never rewrite the stars, though I tried my all with my "internet bae";
Star-crossed, we lovingly warred, only to remain rooted in our home countries to this day.

I was never a playboy, no, they each had their own season,
My love was to be developed, matured, perfected.
Oh how in hindsight, I now understand love's reason.
"Good guys win in the end", but only after they've been effected.

Love is so very beautiful, with all of its ups and downs.
It is why I painfully searched for it so.
But, as with every mark of maturity, you realize that, at some point,
You must learn to let some things go.

With this dramatic realization, my quest for love will now cease.
(Though, should it find me in the future, I know my heart will sing).
In my desire to see good days; I will focus on pursuing peace.
I shall make my soul rejoice in solitude, and the serenity that it brings.