Friday, March 23, 2018

My relationship with Christ!

At 27... I guess you could say I've been through a lot of dark nights.
I've been through hell's fire and life's hard rains
There have been times when I wanted to give up, to give in to the fight
Throw it all away, and give in to the pain.

Suicide, depression, leaving this world.... yes this was me
Thinking of other worlds and how life on them would be
To be a spirit, boundless and free
And at any time, be anywhere in this Galaxy.

Yet, in the back of my mind, there was a voices, so gentle and calm
Telling me to hold, "Son, just be strong!"
That it wouldn't last forever,
That one days things would be better

Crying my eyes out, longing for relief
Wishing for just someone, to understand my grief.
I drowned out the voice, thinking "It could never be."

Yet it never faded, it was always there
Trying desperately, to pull me from despair...
And then one day I gave in... because I was done fighting... "Okay, voice, you win!"

I fell into a slumber, and soon fell asleep
It must have only been a few minutes, but man was it deep.
I saw my grandmother, her sweet smile warmed my heart
And for a quick second, I was able to behold a masterpiece of God's own art...
I heard her whisper, son you'll make it!
You just gotta keep going  don't youdare quit!
As she faded away there was a greater beauty to behold
My eyes begin to water, as I begin to behold it all

I saw so plainly, "oh God, how could I have been so blind;
To this beautiful and fragile time, we all call life!"
I saw the Majesty of His creation, the works of His hands,
The beautiful stars upon the sky, the harmony of the beasts upon the lands
I saw harmony in the chaos, peace in the atmosphere
I saw how that all the time He was always there.
Never in the way, no, He was just watching.
Waiting for the day, that I'd stop blocking...
Blocking him from my life, blocking out the light,
Only heeding the darkness, the plagues of the night

And so I tell you all, open up to the One,
Who not only framed the heavens, and the worlds
But has mended broken hearts, and has healed a many of hurt souls.
You may not think he's available to you,
You may think he doesn't care.
But as he was for me, I can tell you, He's near
It doesn't take you being perfect, nor being okay
It just takes a heart willing to believe, that Jesus will save the day. ☺️
He's been here from the beginning
And he'll be here until the end
So I guess we'll both be here, 😊 waiting for you to accept Him in!

You may be going through a lot, in this day and age, I know you most likely are. But let go today buddy, and know that God is never far!

(Picture taken from Pinterest)

Friday, March 9, 2018


Our governments are failing us
While our law enforcement slays us
Life tries to kill us
Yet our medical system won't help us

All over the land,
people cry out in despair.
Looking for a helping hand,
For someone that will truly care!

They cry out in song,
And they cry out in prayer...
For a heart that will love them
They're searching every where!!!

There are struggles each day
And many are without hope
Some turn to addiction,
While others "cut" to cope.

It's a pain I know as well
For I have my dark nights too.
So I will reach out to whomever I can
Until the sun shines again for you!

This is my decree, this is my life
To help a wounded soul
Find their way back to the light.

I will sit with them in the darkness
And encourage them to look up
Showing them that there's a way
Though the journey may seem rough

For even in the darkest nights
There's still a beauty to behold
And there's still a warm heart
To love you when it's cold.

This is my legacy, it will forever be my oath
To serve and protect...
To encourage you as your coach.
And not only I but those here with me
Yes, the ones I call family
They will be there when I'm not
To see you and your loved ones through
Because we are Yasahiro, that is what we do!